Making a Mockery

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mountain View Corridor: Lehi's Proposal Vs UDOT

I just received this email in regards to UDOT's Mountainview Corridor vs. Lehi's Mountainview Corridor.

Names withheld due to privacy,

I am sorry that it has taken so long to provide an update concerning 2100 North. I told you before that the City has decided to produce an informational flyer with a map and the pertinent design information of the Lehi proposal. The flyer was on hold until meetings were conducted with our State Representatives. I would like to report that as the facts are being presented, our position is getting stronger. The Lehi proposal is getting attention. The Council last week authorized the mailing of the flyers which now have a more positive nature, asking the citizens to thank their representatives for considering the Lehi proposal. I have attached a PDF of the map portion of the flyer for your information.

Let me know if you have questions.

I. Johnson
Lehi City Council
Visit Lehi on the web at

Click Here for PDF

I believe that the Lehi proposal better serves Utah County. I think Lehi has planned better for alternative feeds to and from I-15. This means that if there is a closure on the 2100 N/4800N loops that there are alternative routes. It also will work better to disperse traffic as the area grows. Utah's traffic problems have stemmed from shortsightedness. Planners failed to see how and where growth will occur. Ideally I believe that the Sierra Club and Dave Clock be damned and the road should head further south to 1900 s before connecting to I-15.

Too bad we are held hostage by the eco-nazis limited vision of our needs. Their views are not realistic in the sense that public transportation is not the solution to all problems. The culture of American's is the love the freedom of their automobile gives them. Would I love to lower pollution and create a cleaner environment, unequivocally yes I would but its unrealistic expectation to kill all new freeways to force everyone to buses and trains. According to UTA it would take me almost 3 hours 4 bus changes and would get me to work 2 1/2 hours late to work. This is unrealistic. I would love to live closer to my work but that would require me to make substantially more money and isn’t really doable in the public sector.

Updated Email from a later email today:

Again the names have been removed.

"A couple months ago I had a phone conversation with Senator Madsen. I told him that UDOT told me they had no record of any legislators in opposition to the preferred alternative. He expressed his opposition to me and said he would send UDOT an official letter stating his opposition. This might be something everyone can follow up on. The more people asking about it the better chance it will actually happen."
The email addresses for our State Representatives are as follows:
Mark B Madsen,, Senator
Kenneth Sumsion,, House Representative

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